our tribute to a friend

remembering si hands

There is no way we can do justice to such a gorgeous, kind man who is Si Hands.

But we can try.

Si Hands with The Manchester Sisters
The day all of us and Si were just naughty.

Si Hands

Thirty Three years of age, and you’re gone. Hardly a drop in the ocean of life – but what a life you created, Si! Your physical presence might well be gone, but your massive, huggable memories will live forever and ever – making us laugh and cry, enhancing our day and night.

Our adopted Mancunian,  you were always a bubbling cauldron of energy and passion. Ideas came tumbling from you like a tsunami, and all to make this world so much better for us.

And it’s our duty – all of us – to always think how you would do things, now. “What would Si do?”. In many ways, Si,  it was a pleasant (if somewhat tiring!) experience trying to keep up with what you were thinking! We will always remember that you – our Si – never had one idea, when ten would be so much better. And it wasn’t just ideas – you wanted to be hands on, to work with those ideas and make sure you got the very best out of them.

But more than any fresh ideas, blue sky thinking or out of the box scheme, you’d want everyone to get on with each other, to look after one another, to spread the love … wouldn’t you? You were like Dolly Levi, always getting strangers to meet others and have a happy time together.

With your caring, loving and passionate nature it’s a wonder you never became a Sister  – but there again, you never had the time! Always busy, doing a million things with your life, to make it a better place. Such a big heart.

Si, you HAVE left this world a better place, without a doubt. And a sadder place with your passing. But your memory will endure and we all miss you so very much. Tragically your life was short, leaving us at the age of 33, but there are many people who pass away at the age of 99 who never lived life half as much as Si Hands did.

Rest in peace, you little scoundrel – you’ve earned it.


From the lens of Si Hands…

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